Tuesday, October 21, 2008

what i learn today...

I went to UM medical library today, to find journals for my research paper...and well, i am VERY IMPRESSED with it..so many journals, like so many. and if i had all the time in world, good chair, and not so bored, i will read all those, but seems i had today to find what i want, and yes..it is not easy.
even with all the journals, and flipping it one by one, it is really hard to find just exactly what i want. i have to extract it bit by bit and then, read and make a good conclusion on it.
and then it just hit me, finding the prefect literature for my research is like finding the perfect guy for me...hahah..
i am surrounded with 'world' of guys..(the so many journals in the library)...and flipping each of it...just like i became friends with them, check on them...and getting what i want is the hardest thing, coz there is none like i want. I have to extract them, and make a conclusion based on what i want.
with guys, human..how can i make them?.i just can evaluate them, thinking what suites me well, then..hmm...
but i can extract his characteristics and mine, and ensure my child/s will get them...in end, it be just like what i wanted.
Just a thought to me...a wise one..it is human,it can never be made. coz in the end, there is one thing called, heart; where all the actions, thoughts, coming from it.

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