Thursday, October 2, 2008

Once Upon A Time..

This is the scenery in front of my grandparents house in Rembau. That rock..the big rock..well, there is a story behind it.
When i was young, and very little, traveling to kg was the think that i look forward too. The one and half hour journey, seems so far and full of stops by us, bt now..the hour and half journey..seems so sekejap and breezy and just a drive in the highway..
nway, when i was young, whenever i am back in kg, that rock seems so huge and humongous to me. I always want to go there, to be on top of that rock. To stand and just feel on top of something big. Sometimes, my boy cousins and I will play masak2 there, by collecting leaves and grass, and mashed it with batu2...and the holes we see around the rock....
and as usually, my dad will called us in, worried and marah me..and my sisters. He will said, it is dangerous, and i dont know what else.
bUT NOW..that rock seems so small and recently, i wonder, what makes me adore the rock last time..
i guess, im getting older, and the perspectives are all different...
and maybe, just maybe, if i am married and had kids when my grandparents are still alive, i will show them this rock..the place where i spent my younger days on..abd maybe, just kids..will end up behaving just like me..and grow interest into the same rock also..
after all, kids end up behaving and acting the same way as what their parents once before, right?....

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