Wednesday, August 20, 2008


To be strong, to rise up from how the life is treating you now, we need some support. courage and words of encouragement. Without these, human barely can survive. There is rise in mental health problem in the world, due to this factor. And somehow, few encouraging words was all that needed to make sure we, can survive and live this life..
As to me, these were it..

a) by my lecturer; "Fatima, i know you will be someone great in the future. Just focus on this 8 months to yours study, and forget the rest"
b) by my cousin; "relationship means problem, so if you tell me a problem in relationship, it's common"..find ways.
c) by my dearest cousin; "All these problems make u get closer to Allah, use it and He wont test you with this, if He knew, you will break. Be strong. Pertolongan Allah itu terlampau dekat"
d) by a bestfriend,"Yup, life is complicated, just be strong"

It helps me to survive this few days to come and the rest, may I will find people that can give me encouragement and help in survive.

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