Sunday, August 10, 2008

What is the different between the Muslim and non-Muslim in Malaysia?

To tell the truth, now, i find the malay Muslims have become as bad, or might say, as worst and ignorence about their own religion, the Islam. For me, we have become just like the Europe, during i forget which century (will checked this fact) where the relgions has been separated from the daily life , the social network.
This already happen in Malaysia, i am not saying that Muslim in Malaysia, are the worst ever..but we are becoming one of them.
I am scared of what might happen in the future. The judgement day will surely come, but before that, there is the 'Hari Kiamat'. For now, i myself, need to be become a good am i a selfish person, if i want to improve myself first, but ignored the people around me, of what they are doing...? or should i play my part?
but in this community nowadays, whatever the person are doing, is none of the person business. So, tell me how do you i behave in this kind of community?
sometimes, when this demoralization of the Muslim, are getting worst..i myself, am afraid to get married. For i dont know what might happen to my children.
Maybe if abstinence the option, then so be God's will.
But, who knows, i might change my mind...after all, i am not in love with anyone, and there is no urgency to get married...and for any of the reasons that people get married for.

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