Thursday, April 17, 2008

Iman Mutiara

Iman adalah mutiara
Di dalam hati manusia
Yang meyakini Allah
Maha Esa, Maha Kuasa

Tanpamu iman bagaimanalah
Merasa diri hamba padaNya
Tanpamu iman bagaimanalah
Menjadi hamba Allah yang bertaqwa

Iman tak dapat diwarisi
Dari seorang ayah yang bertaqwa
Ia tak dapat dijual-beli
Ia tiada di tepian pantai

Walau apapun caranya jua
Engkau mendaki gunung yang tinggi
Engkau berentas lautan api
Namun tak dapat jua dimiliki
Jika tidak kembali pada Allah

Jika tidak kembali pada Allah

I care about a friend, even I have millions and one reason not to be close or even be a friend to this person. But i just care. I hate to see that person drifting, when i know i have not try my best.
Or maybe i have, it just a matter of giving up, if that person, this person particularly, did not want to help 'ownself'.
I care about this person, it got me headache, heartache. I want nothing in return when this person, comes back to the right path, set this person principle straight, repent, regret, changes, just the thought i can save a friend; now, here, and Hereafter.
Don't get me wrong, i have plenty of friends that just like this specific friend, but i don't understand why i want to care for this one friend.
I don't understand why i want to care, so much for this one friend.

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