Tomorrow, less than 20 hours, the submission of my 12 credit hours final year paper...
i am numb now, there are so many feelings that i want to feel, i hope i managed to feel it tomorrow, together with relief of course.
i mean, i have been here for four years, and the last two years has been challenging enough, that for me to survived now, still make me wonder how.
Maybe, this is the lesson i learn here, now, when i am in university...that it is not what the books taught you too, not what the lecturers taught too, but it is the hidden value that we bring with our selves when we come out from the place.
The friends that we still care and keep in touch, the memories that soon will fade since human are everything...but most importantly,
Ourselves...we bring ourselves outside with all the values, the maturity, the make us face the world and face what life can offer.
I am facing what life can offer less than 20 i ready?